
Patient Stories

Kaiser’s poor mental health care continues How on earth can they think that's appropriate mental health care? That's basically offering nothing.
Kaiser contracts with unethical, poorly run practices Kaiser is unwilling to provide appropriate access to services; as a result its members are left with no mental health...
I was desperate for help earlier this spring At the end of the second appointment, though, I was informed that no additional appointments would be scheduled as he...
I was overwhelmed with severe depression and anxiety Everyone else I called at Magellan refused to see me because "Kaiser doesn't pay."
There is no health care parity at Kaiser "When Elizabeth said she thought she needed to see a therapist, we immediately went to Kaiser, and the battle to...
It was stressful trying to get help The people who I saw were great, but the system that Kaiser has for mental health was terrible.
I found myself having issues with grief and depression I don't have any faith in Kaiser or how they handle mental health.
Kaiser takes forever to schedule appointments It feels as though they aren't really listening, and don't really care about their patients.
My treatment was disrupted midstream Having such gaps between appointments doesn’t allow you to build a foundation of trust that is essential in treating mental...
Kaiser failed my husband "If Peter's depression had been treated with the same level of care as his heart palpitations, he would still be...
I called every day for two weeks There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
I was trying to find help and save my daughter There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.