

Marin County caregivers strike to defend First Amendment rights Employees of the largest nursing home operator in California manned picket lines in Marin County Tuesday after Brius Healthcare refused...
August 22: Caregivers strike to defend First Amendment rights against nursing home conglomerate Dozens of Bay Area nursing home workers will stage a one-day strike Tuesday, August 22, after Brius Healthcare illegally refused to finalize...
Trump lacks moral authority to lead the nation This op-ed was originally published in the Huff Post.  By Sal Rosselli Racism is on the rise and white supremacists...
NUHW issues stinging report on California’s largest nursing home operator California’s largest nursing home operator has exploited lax regulation to enrich its owner while leaving patients in understaffed facilities, a...
Workers tell Fountain Valley CEO to stop profiting off poverty wages More than a dozen workers at Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center paid a visit to Hospital CEO Kenneth McFarland last...
NUHW Pulse – June/July 2017: the latest news from NUHW Welcome to the June/July 2017 edition of NUHW Pulse, our union’s e-newsletter! NUHW celebrates National Nursing Assistants Week We talked to...
NUHW in the News: Brius blames NUHW for state audit The state’s largest nursing home operator is blaming NUHW in part for an upcoming state audit of its dealings with...
Sodexo workers demand equal pay Dozens of workers, represented by the National Union of Healthcare Workers, demonstrated outside Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and the University...
July 2017 – Around the union Read below for the latest developments in the union, including grievance victories, visits to legislators, settlements, and bargaining updates. Workers...
NUHW members win nearly three-quarter million in back bonus pay NUHW members have won nearly $700,000 in back bonus pay in recent months in settlements with two employers. In the...
Good pay is the best way to honor nursing assistants This story was originally published by The Huffington Post. As part of our commemoration of Nursing Assistants Week, we profiled...
NUHW organizes fourth Kindred hospital SAN DIEGO — Caregivers at Kindred Hospital San Diego voted overwhelmingly Tuesday, June 13 to join the National Union of Healthcare...