

Executive Board declares NUHW a sanctuary union After holding membership meetings throughout California and surveying our membership online, our union’s Executive Board adopted a resolution declaring NUHW a...
Shlomo Rechnitz: “Misplaced Priorities at 40,000 feet” The National Union of Healthcare Workers published a report Wednesday detailing how the CEO of California’s largest nursing home company,...
San Francisco Supervisor John Avalos: Why I joined the National Union of Healthcare Workers This op-ed ran in the Feb. 15 edition of the San Francisco Examiner. During my eight years on the San...
NUHW Pulse – February 2017: the latest news from NUHW Welcome to the February 2017 edition of NUHW Pulse, our union’s e-newsletter! NUHW keeps growing with big win in Oakland...
February 2017 – Victories and updates from around the union Read more below for the latest developments in the union, including grievance victories and settlements, bargaining updates, a new career...
Providence Tarzana workers picket against layoffs of SEIU-represented housekeepers More than 75 Providence Tarzana Medical Center workers picketed the hospital January 16 demanding that management bring back more than...
NUHW members gather for statewide meetings With a steady stream of executive orders signed in his tumultuous first week on the job, President Donald Trump has...
NUHW keeps growing with big win in Oakland About 250 pharmacists, social workers, physical therapists and other professional workers at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland voted overwhelmingly Wednesday,...
NUHW members flock to women’s marches Dozens of red-clad National Union of Healthcare Workers members joined with millions of Americans January 21 to send a message to Donald...
Providence Tarzana picketers demand housekeepers get their jobs back More than 75 Providence Tarzana workers picketed the hospital Monday demanding that management bring back more than two dozen housekeepers...
Carrie Fisher battled stormtroopers and stigma This op-ed by NUHW members Elizabeth White, Natalia Salinas and Clement Papazian originally ran in the Mercury News and the...
To help safeguard Democracy, unions must first embrace it This op-ed by NUHW President Sal Rosselli originally appeared in The Hill. When it comes to hypocrisy, Donald Trump may...