

NUHW forces SEIU to reveal their secret deal at Kaiser Yesterday, NUHW forced SEIU to reveal their secret deal with Kaiser. SEIU wanted to prevent workers from seeing the details...
SEIU’s bogus ratification votes Tomorrow, Kaiser workers will begin to vote on SEIU’s disastrous deal with its “partner,” Kaiser Permanente. When Kaiser workers cast...
The takeaways that SEIU didn’t want you to see When SEIU announced its “great contract” with Kaiser Permanente, one thing was clearly missing: the actual tentative agreements. Only by...
What’s SEIU hiding? SEIU wants us to take their word for it. They say that they’ve bargained a “great contract with no takeaways.”...
SEIU’s concessions at Kaiser Two years ago, NUHW members at Kaiser Permanente made a decision: at a time when Kaiser is making billions in profits,...
We’re saying NO to Kaiser and SEIU’s cuts…and it’s working For months, SEIU and Kaiser have been trying to figure out a way to cut our health and retirement benefits....
SEIU’s Daughters of Charity takeaways: a road map to SEIU’s plan for healthcare workers Click on the image above for a leaflet to download and share with your co-workers.Eliminated pensions, two-tier benefits, higher premium...
California agency to file complaint that SEIU-UHW broke law, violated workers’ rights As Kaiser workers, we know that SEIU lied and cheated in our 2010 elections. That’s why we’re getting ready for...
NUHW members support bill holding hospital executives accountable George Ross, LVN, SVMH 25 yearsNUHW is taking action in support of a bill in the California Legislature sponsored by...
SEIU gives up workers’ pension and health benefits at Daughters of Charity My name is Suad Husary and I work at Seton Medical Center, a Daughters of Charity hospital in Daly City,...
The only thing guaranteed about SEIU’s IT deal is…a weak contract   Once again, SEIU is trying to fool us into believing their giveaways to Kaiser are actually victories for workers....
SEIU fakes the fight We all know that SEIU can’t say NO to Kaiser! SEIU is dancing up a storm, but Kaiser is still...