SEIU’s Daughters of Charity takeaways: a road map to SEIU’s plan for healthcare workers

NewsMay 8, 2012

Click on the image above for a leaflet to download and share with your co-workers.Eliminated pensions, two-tier benefits, higher premium costs, giving up the right to sympathy strike, allowing subcontracting: these are just a few of the takeaways that SEIU agreed to for 2,500 California healthcare workers employed by the Daughters of Charity Health System.

All healthcare workers should pay close attention to the contract SEIU-UHW just settled at Daughters of Charity; it’s a road map to SEIU’s plans for healthcare workers in California and all over the United States.

You can read SEIU’s full Daughters of Charity Tentative Agreements here, and a summary of the takeaways below. While SEIU isn’t sharing this contract with workers at Daughters of Charity Health System, NUHW is.  Healthcare workers have a right to know.

SEIU officials – against the strong opposition of several bargaining team members – rushed a ratification vote for its members at Daughters of Charity with less than 24 hours’ notice because they didn’t want anyone to know they had agreed to the following cuts to wages, benefits and working conditions:

1. Eliminated the Defined-Benefit Pension Plan
2. Created Two-Tiered Retirement Benefits Going Forward
3. Gave up the Right to Bargain over Future Retirement Changes
4. Eliminated Fully Employer-Paid Health Insurance unless workers Agree to Participate in an Invasive “Wellness” Program
5. Eliminated the EPO Plan at Seton Medical Center in Daly City
6. Accepted Higher Premium Costs for Those Who Choose the POS and PPO Plans
7. Gave Up Workers’ Right to Sympathy Strike
8. Shortened the Timeframe for Members to File Union Grievances
9. Severely Reduced On-Call Pay
10. Allowed Management to Subcontract Jobs at St. Vincent Medical Center in Los Angeles

If you would like more information about how healthcare workers are fighting back against SEIU and greedy employers, click here to sign up for NUHW emails.

For more information about the cuts at Daughters of Charity please visit the SEIU watchdog website Stern Burger with Fries.