

SEIU’s sell-out agreement at Dignity First, Dave Regan and SEIU forced a disastrous contract on their members at Kaiser with cuts to workers’ retiree health...
We voted to join NUHW at Hazel Hawkins! It’s official! Today, the Public Employment Relations Board concluded its vote count, and 175 of us at Hazel Hawkins Memorial...
NUHW Pharmacists Win Contract Victory at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital Workers win 4% increases, regain pension after joining union Salinas, California — Three months after joining the National Union of Healthcare...
The fight for Union Democracy continues   The Fight for Union Democracy Continues Last week in San Francisco, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court...
SEIU-UHW President Dave Regan tries to undo safe staffing ratios There’s just one word for it: Disgusting. Thursday night, on a statewide call of California union leaders, SEIU-UHW President Dave...
(Video) SEIU’s backroom deal with Kaiser exposed
SEIU cut a back room deal with Kaiser, I was there My name is Sophia Sims. I’ve worked at Kaiser Panorama City since 2003, and before that at Woodland Hills since...
SEIU’s giveaways to Kaiser explained
NUHW celebrates Dolores Huerta, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom Dolores Huerta, accompanied by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and NUHW President Sal Rosselli at the White HouseCivil rights activist...
National press highlights SEIU’s giveaways to Kaiser Two weeks ago, after SEIU-UHW tried to keep healthcare workers in the dark by refusing to share details of agreements...
Video: We threw out SEIU and took back our union at Children’s Hospital Oakland
We won at Children’s Hospital Oakland Yesterday we won a great victory at Children’s Hospital Oakland. I am so proud to report that we won our...