September 25th, 2017

NUHW clinicians address National Press Club

Jackie Schalit and Ken Rogers became the first NUHW members to address reporters at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. They were joined Monday by Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, a leading voice in Congress on addressing the nation’s opioid addiction crisis, and Culyer Costanzo, who works at an addiction treatment center in Ohio.   […]

September 15th, 2017

NUHW Pulse – September 2017: the latest news from NUHW

Welcome to the September 2017 edition of NUHW Pulse, our union’s e-newsletter! Video: Marin County caregivers strike and picket to defend free speech Caregivers formed picket lines at Brius Healthcare-owned San Rafael Healthcare and Wellness Center and Novato Healthcare Center on August 22 to defend free speech after Brius refused to settle contracts unless workers they took down their watchdog website, Click […]

September 14th, 2017

Trouble in Napa: Hospital Workers Fight for their Union

This story by Cal Winslow originally ran in Beyond Chron. Here is the story of David v. Goliath, again; the story now commonplace as hospitals and health care providers consolidate and corporatize. Queen of the Valley is typical of rural healthcare, it is relatively small, it serves a poor, aging population, financially it is weak, […]

September 8th, 2017

If Trump really wants economic fairness, it’s not DACA he needs to reverse

This op-ed was originally published in the HuffPost. By Sal Rosselli For someone who’s made a fortune off the labor of low-paid foreign-born workers, President Donald Trump should be the last person accusing them of being a threat to our safety and prosperity. But without a shred of evidence, the president tried to cloak his […]

September 8th, 2017

Portrait of an NUHW leader: Ruth Kees

Ruth, a long-time steward at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, talks about her union activism and her commitment to social justice. View her interview below.