
Santa Rita Jail / Glenn Dyer Detention Center (Corizon)

NUHW Pulse – December 2016: the latest news from NUHW Welcome to the December 2016 year-end edition of NUHW Pulse, our union’s e-newsletter! An extraordinary year for NUHW This short...
2016 year in review — contract victories and bargaining updates NUHW had a hugely successful bargaining year, winning 16 contracts covering 8,000 members. We are currently bargaining seven more contracts....
NUHW members campaign for union-endorsed issues and candidates With a busy primary season and historic November general election, NUHW members tirelessly worked the phones and hit the streets...
A recap of the NUHW’s 2016 Leadership Conference Nearly 300 stewards from throughout California gathered in Oakland in October for NUHW’s fourth annual Leadership Conference. We reviewed our...
NUHW ousts Corizon from Alameda County jails, wins contract with CFMG NUHW-represented caregivers at Santa Rita Jail and Glenn Dyer Detention Facility ousted the nation’s largest for-profit correctional healthcare provider, Corizon...
Nearly 2,000 workers joined NUHW in the past year In 2016, we organized more than 1,800 workers in five facilities throughout California, winning nine elections in new and residual...
An extraordinary year for NUHW It’s been an extraordinary year for NUHW. Between October 2015 and October 2016, we settled twenty-three contracts — including nine first-time contracts...
California voters double-crossed by SEIU — for the second time This op-ed by NUHW President Sal Rosselli originally appeared in the Sacramento Bee and the Huffington Post. California voters have...
NUHW Pulse, May 2016 Welcome to the May 2016 edition of NUHW Pulse, our union’s e-newsletter. Humboldt County caregivers win huge victory NUHW members...
NUHW members raise $1000 for Darrell Steinberg campaign for mayor of Sacramento NUHW members raised more than $1000 for Darrell Steinberg’s campaign for mayor of Sacramento at an event held February 20....
Corizon under fire for mass layoffs at Alameda County’s jails Corizon, the notorious for-profit corporation that provides healthcare services to inmates at Alameda County’s jails, is under fire abruptly laying...
49 nurses fired at Alameda County jails By Dan Lawton Contra Costa Times January 7, 2016 DUBLIN — A private health care provider with a checkered past...