May 15th, 2012

What’s SEIU hiding?

SEIU wants us to take their word for it. They say that they’ve bargained a “great contract with no takeaways.” But why should any of us believe what SEIU says? Two years ago, SEIU and Kaiser broke the law, violated our rights and lied to us. The federal government overturned our 2010 Kaiser S + […]

May 12th, 2012

SEIU’s concessions at Kaiser

Two years ago, NUHW members at Kaiser Permanente made a decision: at a time when Kaiser is making billions in profits, there’s no reason for workers to agree to the benefit cuts that Kaiser put on the bargaining table. So along with our allies in the California Nurses Association and the Stationary Engineers, we fought back. Our campaign […]

May 9th, 2012

We’re saying NO to Kaiser and SEIU’s cuts…and it’s working

For months, SEIU and Kaiser have been trying to figure out a way to cut our health and retirement benefits. We’ve been standing up to them and saying, “No Way.” Because thousands of us have stood together, Kaiser and SEIU are stuck. They can’t push takeaways on us without being exposed as frauds. So now […]

May 8th, 2012

SEIU’s Daughters of Charity takeaways: a road map to SEIU’s plan for healthcare workers

Click on the image above for a leaflet to download and share with your co-workers.Eliminated pensions, two-tier benefits, higher premium costs, giving up the right to sympathy strike, allowing subcontracting: these are just a few of the takeaways that SEIU agreed to for 2,500 California healthcare workers employed by the Daughters of Charity Health System. […]

May 4th, 2012

California agency to file complaint that SEIU-UHW broke law, violated workers’ rights

As Kaiser workers, we know that SEIU lied and cheated in our 2010 elections. That’s why we’re getting ready for a re-vote of our Kaiser S +T election later this year. Now, an agency of the State of California, the Public Employment Relations Board, has stated that it will file a complaint charging that SEIU […]