March 20th, 2014

Seton workers vote to join NUHW

The ballots have been counted, and nearly 700 employees of Seton Medical Center in Daly City and Seton Coastside in Moss Beach have voted to oust SEIU-UHW in favor of NUHW-CNA. The vote tally, conducted by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), was 279 for NUHW, 252 for SEIU, and 19 for Neither. “With this […]

March 18th, 2014

Counterpunch: Trench Warfare at Kaiser Permanente

By Cal Winslow Counterpunch March 18, 2014 It’s trench warfare at Kaiser Permanente, the huge HMO. There, five thousand California healthcare workers are holding the line on concessions – fighting off Kaiser’s demands for take-aways that would undermine workers and their families and further erode the quality of care they provide to their patients. Turusew […]

March 18th, 2014

Executive Board welcomes three new members

Three new members were sworn in to NUHW’s Executive Board on March 8. Jared Garcia has worked as a medical social worker with Kaiser Permanente Fontana’s hospice program for three years and has been active as a steward. Julia Sidrow-Thompson, a monitor tech at Providence Tarzana Medical Center, was a leader in that group’s organization effort. And […]

March 14th, 2014

NUHW members bring patient care issues to the Kaiser Board of Directors

Last week I was one of a crew of Kaiser workers who made a first-ever visit to a Kaiser board meeting. We wanted to discuss the dire state of Kaiser’s mental health services, its woefully inadequate staffing levels, the fines levied against the company, and Kaiser’s hypocrisy in trying to slash our benefits while posting […]

March 7th, 2014

Santa Rosa therapist challenges Kaiser to improve its mental health services

  Andy Weisskoff gives Kaiser “90 Days to Change” as he blogs the countdown to his resignation Andy Weisskoff provides substandard care to his patients. So do his colleagues in the Psychiatry Department at Kaiser in Santa Rosa. But it’s not their fault. Kaiser’s policies simply don’t allow them enough time to offer the kinds […]