April 18th, 2016

NUHW joins the No Coal In Oakland movement

Kirstin Quinn–Siegel, a marriage and family therapist in NUHW’s Kaiser IBHS bargaining unit, joined other Oakland medical professionals at a March 15 Oakland  City Council meeting to urge the council to bar coal-carrying trains from passing through the city. Kirstin’s statement to the council: My name is Kirstin Quinn-Siegel. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family […]

April 18th, 2016

Caregivers protest Salinas Valley Memorial’s demand for cuts despite huge profits

More than 150 NUHW members at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital (SVMH), along with CNA RNs and their families, held a vigil on February 25 to demand a fair contract after NUHW members voted by 97 percent to reject the hospital’s latest proposal and authorize the bargaining committee to call a strike if and when necessary. […]

April 18th, 2016

800 NUHW members win on all issues at University of Southern California’s Keck Hospital

Following a one-day strike in early February and just days before a three-day strike was set to begin, the University of Southern California conceded on all the major issues raised by 800 NUHW members at USC’s Keck Hospital. After a prolonged contract campaign, NUHW members won parity with other USC workers in terms of retirement […]

April 18th, 2016

University of Southern California hides behind subcontractor to pay poverty wages

One hundred NUHW food service workers at the University of Southern California’s Keck Hospital are fighting for a fair contract with USC and its subcontractor, Sodexo. USC-Sodexo pays their food service workers poverty wages that force many to rely on taxpayer-funded public assistance programs like food stamps, Medi-Cal, and public housing. Some earn as little […]

April 18th, 2016

Workers’ rights board holds hearing on conditions at St. Joseph’s Sonoma County hospitals

NUHW members at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital and Petaluma Valley Hospital testified before the North Bay Jobs With Justice Workers’ Rights Board on February 20 about declining working conditions at the two St. Joseph hospitals, despite soaring profits. In 2014, St. Joseph Health System made $59.1 million in profits from the two hospitals. Memorial’s 14.8 […]