June 23rd, 2017

Sodexo workers demand equal pay

Dozens of workers, represented by the National Union of Healthcare Workers, demonstrated outside Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and the University of Southern California’s Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center this week to protest poverty wages paid by Sodexo, the hospitals’ subcontractor. Both Fountain Valley and USC Norris subcontract key divisions to Sodexo, a Fortune Global 500 firm that […]

June 22nd, 2017

July 2017 – Around the union

Read below for the latest developments in the union, including grievance victories, visits to legislators, settlements, and bargaining updates. Workers at the University of Southern California’s Center for Advanced Lung Disease and Cystic Fibrosis voted unanimously June 14 to join NUHW. Nearly 100 workers at various USC clinics have voted to join NUHW in the […]

June 22nd, 2017

NUHW members win nearly three-quarter million in back bonus pay

NUHW members have won nearly $700,000 in back bonus pay in recent months in settlements with two employers. In the first settlement, members in our two Southern California Kaiser chapters won $340,000 — $300,000 for the Psych-Social Chapter and $40,000 for the Healthcare Professionals chapter. After receiving the incentive award payout in March, stewards in […]

June 21st, 2017

West Anaheim Medical Center caregivers vote to join NUHW

ANAHEIM — Caregivers at West Anaheim Medical Center voted decisively Tuesday, June 20 to join the National Union of Healthcare Workers. Nearly 60 percent of workers elected to form a union despite a fierce anti-union campaign waged by the hospital. Management fired several core union supporters prior to the election, but workers refused to be intimidated. […]

June 20th, 2017

Good pay is the best way to honor nursing assistants

This story was originally published by The Huffington Post. As part of our commemoration of Nursing Assistants Week, we profiled two of our nursing assistants and shared their stories with other members of our union. Both caregivers talked about making a difference in their patients’ lives. But neither wanted to stay in their jobs much […]