June 11th, 2018

News of the Week: Suicide rates rose nationwide since 1999

Each week we share articles on subjects that are important to NUHW and its members. Here are several must-read stories over the past seven days: The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reported on Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital announcing layoffs, which would include 35 NUHW members, even though the hospital raked in a $55 million last year. […]

May 31st, 2018

Sodexo workers picket Los Alamitos Medical Center

Nearly 50 housekeepers at Los Alamitos Medical Center staged a one-day picket demanding that their employer Sodexo, an international subcontracting firm, dramatically increase wages, improve benefits and put an end to short staffing. The May 29 picket came just weeks after NUHW-represented Sodexo workers at nearby Fountain Valley Regional Hospital won a contract that provided […]

May 31st, 2018

News of the Week: Americans with serious mental illnesses die 15-30 years younger than those without mental illness

Each week we share articles on subjects that are important to NUHW and its members. Here are several must-read stories over the past seven days: Americans with depression, bipolar disorder or other serious mental illnesses die 15 to 30 years younger than those without mental illness — a disparity larger than for race, ethnicity, geography […]

May 28th, 2018

NUHW Pulse – May 2018

Welcome to the May 2018 edition of our union’s e-newsletter. In recent weeks, NUHW members have won a strong first contract for Sodexo workers at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital, triggered a state audit that slammed the Department of Public Health for poor oversight of nursing homes, sounded the alarm about Sutter Health driving up health […]

May 25th, 2018

NUHW members volunteer to elect allies in June Primary election

As a social worker, Martha Rea is no stranger to knocking on a stranger’s door and striking up a conversation. But even she was a little nervous pounding the pavement for Mark Leno, who NUHW has endorsed for mayor of San Francisco. “What inspired me was that Mark has been supportive of our union’s efforts […]