October 29th, 2018

NUHW USC Corporate Welfare

USC Trojans corporate welfare: Some USC hospital workers are paid so little that they are forced to rely on taxpayer support in the form of Medi-Cal and food stamps. Some even have to recycle cans to make ends meet. Now USC promises “4000 permanent jobs” at its proposed biotech park — but can we trust […]

October 29th, 2018

News of the Month — October

An all-Republican panel of President Trump’s National Labor Relation Board issued a far-reaching ruling that could make it harder for unions to stage pickets when their members are employed by subcontracting firms, In These Times reports. The panel ruled that janitors in San Francisco violated the law when they picketed in front of their workplace […]

October 28th, 2018

NUHW Pulse – October 2018

Welcome to the October 2018 edition of our union’s e-newsletter. In recent weeks, NUHW members have ratified four contracts, organized dozens of new members, launched a social media campaign to pressure Kaiser to provide timely mental health treatment, completed hundreds of volunteer election shifts and released one video about the experiences of folks who join […]

October 5th, 2018

Keck workers picket amid contract fight

About 400 NUHW members picketed outside Keck Hospital of USC October 3, to demand not only a fair contract for themselves, but a fair deal for more than 80 cafeteria workers whose jobs have been outsourced to Sodexo, a French conglomerate that pays pennies above the minimum wage. “You have such a prestigious university that […]

September 28th, 2018

Caregivers protest Providence Tarzana’s low wages, cancelled shifts

Caregivers can’t provide for their families if their shifts are cancelled at the last minute, and the hospital can’t care for its patients if it doesn’t have enough caregivers on duty.