April 13th, 2016

Humboldt County St. Joseph workers win 30 percent wage increase over three years

Members voted 98% to ratify contract that guarantees caregivers a voice in staffing, safety, and patient care standards, as well as no cuts in healthcare benefits and no premium increases NUHW members at Eureka’s St. Joseph Hospital and Fortuna’s Redwood Memorial Hospital will receive an immediate 5 percent wage increase; new wage scale will further […]

March 23rd, 2016

The University of Southern California is hiding behind a subcontractor to pay poverty wages

March 18th, 2016

Fox interviews NUHW President Sal Rosselli about labor’s support for Bernie Sanders

Fox’s Neil Cavuto interviewed NUHW President Sal Rosselli about labor’s support for Bernie Sanders on both March 11 and March 18. Click on the images below to see the video clips.   March 18, 2016:   March 11, 2016:    

March 15th, 2016

Video: Keck–USC: Keeping workers in poverty, shortchanging patients

Click here to view and share this video on Facebook.

March 3rd, 2016

Video: St. Joseph’s low wages keep Humboldt County caregivers in poverty

Humboldt County healthcare workers share their experiences trying to get by on St. Joseph’s poverty wages and poor benefits. Many caregivers at St. Joseph Hospital Eureka and Redwood Memorial Hospital in Fortuna have to work second jobs to make ends meet, cannot afford healthcare at St. Joseph, and are forced to rely on taxpayer-funded public […]