December 21st, 2016

KQED’s in-depth coverage of mental health care in California

KQED Radio health reporter April Dembosky produced an excellent series of stories delving into the obstacles that confront patients seeking mental health care services in California. The State of Mind series culminated in an August 23 special edition of the California Report that compiled and updated stories Dembosky aired over the course of the year. Click […]

December 21st, 2016

A recap of the NUHW’s 2016 Leadership Conference

Nearly 300 stewards from throughout California gathered in Oakland in October for NUHW’s fourth annual Leadership Conference. We reviewed our progress over the past year, including winning 23 contracts 11 union elections, (see the 2016 highlight video here) and set goals for the coming year. We discussed the importance of organizing new members into our […]

December 21st, 2016

NUHW ousts Corizon from Alameda County jails, wins contract with CFMG

NUHW-represented caregivers at Santa Rita Jail and Glenn Dyer Detention Facility ousted the nation’s largest for-profit correctional healthcare provider, Corizon Health, from Alameda County in its bid to continue providing healthcare services at the two county jails. On August 5, 2016, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors ended a three-decade relationship with Corizon by voting […]

December 21st, 2016

Nearly 2,000 workers joined NUHW in the past year

In 2016, we organized more than 1,800 workers in five facilities throughout California, winning nine elections in new and residual organizing campaigns.   St. Joseph – Queen of the Valley Medical Center: In November, 419 previously unrepresented service and technical workers at Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa voted by a 3-2 margin to […]

December 16th, 2016

Trump’s worrisome reveal on Obamacare repeal

This op-ed by NUHW President Sal Rosselli originally appeared in the Sacramento Bee. After campaigning on a platform long on platitudes and short on specifics, President-elect Donald Trump this week started to reveal what he has in store for the nation’s health care system – and many Californians aren’t going to like what they hear. […]