January 26th, 2017

NUHW keeps growing with big win in Oakland

About 250 pharmacists, social workers, physical therapists and other professional workers at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland voted overwhelmingly Wednesday, January 24, to join the National Union of Healthcare Workers. These new members are coming on board as the union negotiates a new contract for its approximately 900 technicians, administrators and service workers at the […]

January 21st, 2017

NUHW members flock to women’s marches

Dozens of red-clad National Union of Healthcare Workers members joined with millions of Americans January 21 to send a message to Donald Trump — We reject the misogyny he displayed on the campaign trail  and we’ll fight to save the Affordable Care Act, Medicare and Medicaid. The NUHW contingent numbered well over a dozen in Oakland, where an […]

January 19th, 2017

Providence Tarzana picketers demand housekeepers get their jobs back

More than 75 Providence Tarzana workers picketed the hospital Monday demanding that management bring back more than two dozen housekeepers with a combined 245 years of service. For years, the hospital had contracted out housekeeping work to outsourcing firms that paid poverty wages. Providence Tarzana is finally bringing these jobs in-house, but it is refusing […]

January 17th, 2017

Carrie Fisher battled stormtroopers and stigma

This op-ed by NUHW members Elizabeth White, Natalia Salinas and Clement Papazian originally ran in the Mercury News and the East Bay Times. As therapists, we were astonished to see so many people honor Carrie Fisher’s legacy by sharing their own struggles with mental illness. Their coming out messages on Facebook and Twitter may one […]

January 17th, 2017

Petaluma Valley Hospital workers demand next operator preserve quality care and jobs

Workers at Petaluma Valley Hospital are urging the hospital’s elected board of directors to be transparent in searching for a new company to operate the hospital — and guarantee that the next operator safeguard quality care, preserve jobs and honor collective bargaining rights. Tuesday marked the last scheduled meeting of the Petaluma Valley Hospital District […]