March 7th, 2017

NUHW Pulse

Every month in NUHW Pulse, you’ll find stories and videos about NUHW, its members, its work, and its impact on the healthcare industry and the labor movement. We report on the latest developments in our workplaces, from election victories to bargaining updates, and we report on the progress of workers hoping to join our union. In addition, […]

March 7th, 2017

NUHW Pulse – March 2017: the latest news from NUHW

Welcome to the March 2017 edition of NUHW Pulse, our union’s e-newsletter! Executive Board declares NUHW a sanctuary union After garnering overwhelming support from our members in an online survey and in membership meetings throughout the state, our Executive Board adopted a resolution declaring NUHW a sanctuary union to help protect and support the immigrant […]

March 6th, 2017

March 2017 – Victories and updates from around the union

Read more below for the latest developments in the union, including grievance victories, settlements, and bargaining updates. Members at Sutter–California Pacific Medical Center won a path to staffing relief moments before they were scheduled to testify at a hearing about Sutter’s refusal to honor our contract. After dragging its feet on the staffing issue for […]

March 6th, 2017

Executive Board declares NUHW a sanctuary union

After holding membership meetings throughout California and surveying our membership online, our union’s Executive Board adopted a resolution declaring NUHW a Sanctuary Union. Author Cal Winslow interviewed NUHW President Sal Rosselli about the resolution for this article, which was originally published in CounterPunch.  Thirteen thousand members of the California-based National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) have […]

February 16th, 2017

Shlomo Rechnitz: “Misplaced Priorities at 40,000 feet”

The National Union of Healthcare Workers published a report Wednesday detailing how the CEO of California’s largest nursing home company, Brius Healthcare, spent an estimated $8 million on a luxury jet even as his company pays poverty-level wages to caregivers and racks up hundreds of patient-care violations. The four-page paper, “Misplaced Priorities at 40,000 Feet,” […]