August 18th, 2017

Candidates for Governor respond to NUHW

Helping elect the next governor of California will be one of our top political priorities of 2018. Please review the following full responses to our questionnaire from the four leading Democratic candidates and share them in your workplaces. The Republican candidates did not respond to NUHW’s questionnaire. NUHW stewards will hear from several of the […]

August 17th, 2017

Trump lacks moral authority to lead the nation

This op-ed was originally published in the Huff Post.  By Sal Rosselli Racism is on the rise and white supremacists are on the march. And it is all being excused, justified, and normalized by a president who has proven himself, time and again, either unable or unwilling to distinguish between truth and lies, fact and […]

August 16th, 2017

NUHW issues stinging report on California’s largest nursing home operator

California’s largest nursing home operator has exploited lax regulation to enrich its owner while leaving patients in understaffed facilities, a study by the National Union of Healthcare Workers has found. The union’s report “Brius Healthcare’s Insider Transactions” details how the firm’s owner, Shlomo Rechnitz, has steered millions of patient care dollars through a web of […]

August 15th, 2017

NUHW wins Janus of Santa Cruz election

SANTA CRUZ — Caregivers at Janus of Santa Cruz have voted overwhelmingly to join the National Union of Healthcare Workers. The 35-2 vote tallied last week establishes the first union at the drug treatment facility, which has locations in Santa Cruz and Watsonville. The 53-member unit includes treatment technicians, custodians, office assistants and cooks. “We […]

July 20th, 2017

Kaiser reaches deal with state regulators over mental health care violations

Kaiser Permanente and the California Department of Managed Health Care have reached an agreement to correct issues pertaining to Kaiser’s oversight of its behavioral health services and its ability to provide timely access to care. The Stipulated Settlement Agreement requires Kaiser to take several corrective actions over the next one to three years in order […]