
California Pacific Medical Center

To All NUHW Members and Supporters We want to take this opportunity to extend our greetings to you on this Labor Day weekend. This is our...
We told CPMC, “We’re ready to fight!” When Sutter/CPMC came to 750 NUHW members across the bargaining table and said they wanted us to agree to cut...
San Francisco Chronicle: Leaked financial documents threaten CPMC deal John Cote, SF Chronicle Mayor Ed Lee’s deal with California Pacific Medical Center on a $2.5 billion overhaul of their...
NUHW Tells Sutter Health: Build CPMC the Right Way Last week, NUHW President Sal Rosselli and NUHW Executive Board member Helen York-Jones joined community leaders from all over San...
SF Chronicle: Activists call CPMC deal “unacceptable” and “glaringly deficient” John Cote, City Insider Well, that didn’t take long. The same day Mayor Ed Lee publicly announced he had struck...
Congratulations to NUHW’s new Executive Board NUHW Executive Board joined by Gary Allen, General Vice President, IAMNUHW Board Members Sal Rosselli, PresidentJohn Borsos, Secretary-Treasurer Vice Presidents...
NUHW Wins in San Francisco From Counterpunch: By CAL WINSLOW The new National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) has won another important victory in its struggle...
CPMC: United in a Worker-Led Union Brothers and Sisters: Yesterday, more than 827 days after we petitioned for an election, we voted to join NUHW by...
800 CPMC Workers Vote to Leave SEIU and Join NUHW! Workers win! 800 employees at the Pacific, California and Davies hospitals of Sutter’s California Pacific Medical Center system in San...
NUHW Members Join SF Community in Saying “No Blank Check for Sutter!” Sutter Health, the most anti-worker hospital corporation in the state, wants to boost its profits by building another massive high-end...