December 5th, 2011

We Blew the Whistle on Kaiser

Dear Brothers and Sisters, After we released the findings of a survey of more than 300 Kaiser mental health care providers that showed that Kaiser understaffs its mental health services at the expense of our patients, Kaiser management did what they’ve always done. Kaiser tried to blow us off. They said our concerns for our patients […]

November 30th, 2011

Kaiser workers blow whistle on behalf of patient care

Kaiser Psychiatric Social Worker Emily Ryan and Psychologist Spencer Gross joined by Rebecca Gonzales, California chapter National Association of Social WorkersKaiser workers filed a complaint Tuesday morning in Sacramento with the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) calling on the agency to investigate deficiencies in Kaiser’s delivery of mental health care. The complaint puts […]

November 23rd, 2011

The Nation: Kaiser Permanente Workers Choose Sides

Read the full article in The Nation. Steve Early November 22, 2011 Richmond, California —In California, the Kaiser name has long been linked to innovations in work organization, personnel practices and healthcare delivery. During World War II, industrialist Henry Kaiser built America’s largest shipyard, virtually overnight, here in the East Bay. That now-famous facility turned out […]

November 15th, 2011

KPBS: Survey Reveals Problems With Mental Health Care At Kaiser Permanente

Read the article at SAN DIEGO — A union-backed survey of providers at Kaiser Permanente shows widespread dissatisfaction with the HMOs’ mental health services. The union representing mental health professionals has been negotiating a new contract. The National Union of Healthcare Workers surveyed more than 300 mental-health providers at Kaiser facilities in California. Many said they’re not given enough time to […]

November 15th, 2011

Huffington Post: Kaiser Permanente Makes Billions In Profits While Overburdening Staff

November 14, 2011 By Alexander Eichler Read the full article at The Huffington Post. Kaiser Permanente, one of the country’s largest health care organizations, is providing rushed and sloppy mental health treatment in California by an overburdened staff — even though the company makes billions in profits, according to a new report. In California, where Kaiser operates […]