July 31st, 2014

NUHW-CNA members rally to save Doctors Medical Center

[slideshow_deploy id=’5010′] NUHW members joined with the community and members of the California Nurses Association and other unions in a July 30 rally to save Doctors Medical Center. More than two hundred  people gathered at DMC in San Pablo Wednesday afternoon and picketed in front of the hospital before marching a quarter mile to West […]

July 25th, 2014

Kaiser mental health care crisis garnering press coverage

Kaiser Permanente’s mental health care crisis is getting good press coverage. Two reporters in particular — Martin Espinoza of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat and Jon Brooks of KQED — have written thoughtful, in-depth stories that cover the crisis from different angles. Brooks has published two stories in recent weeks about Kaiser Permanente’s mental health […]

July 22nd, 2014

KQED: Therapists, patients criticize Kaiser over long delays for therapy

KQED Public Radio and Television published an in-depth story July 17 about Kaiser’s mental health care crisis today. Jon Brooks’ article draws on interviews with patients and clinicians and includes a discussion of Kaiser’s effort to steer patients into group therapy rather than offer one-on-one therapy.

July 17th, 2014

News and views from NUHW: July 17, 2014

The corrupt SEIU-CHA deal NUHW is doing its part to expose the corruption that lies at the heart of the deal between SEIU and the California Hospital Association. We have a summary of the deal’s shady details on our website, as well as an editorial by NUHW President Sal Rosselli. Recent media coverage of the deal includes SEIU-UHW President Dave Regan’s […]

July 15th, 2014

July 2014 newsletter: Keck USC News & Views

Know your rights Job Bidding PREFERENCE ORDER – Preference order among those bidding shall be given in the following order among bidding employees from the same preference level. Among bidding employees from the same preference level, seniority shall govern. The prior sentence is subject to the provision that: 1.     the bidding employee must meet all […]