April 10th, 2017

April 2017 – Around the union

Read more below for the latest developments in the union, including grievance victories, settlements, and bargaining updates. Sterile processing techs at Napa’s Queen of the Valley organized their co-workers in other departments to join them in a march on the boss to address chronic understaffing and poor communications at the hospital. In their meeting with […]

April 10th, 2017

Queen challenges union election for the third time

In an unprecedented move, St. Joseph Health is seeking to overturn its workers’ vote to unionize at Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa for the third time. In November 2016, Queen workers voted by a 3-2 margin to join NUHW. After losing two appeals, Queen’s corporate executives are now preparing to file a […]

April 10th, 2017

Our sanctuary union provides a safe space for members

Versions of this op-ed appeared in Labor Notes and the San Francisco Examiner. I had no money and spoke no English when I illegally crossed the border into California 23 years ago, but I worked hard and fought for the right to stay here. Had I made that harrowing journey this year, I’m sure I’d be deported […]

March 10th, 2017

NUHW now a Sanctuary Union

After holding membership meetings throughout California and surveying our membership online, our union’s Executive Board adopted a resolution declaring NUHW a Sanctuary Union. The text of our resolution is below. Whereas in the wake of the recent Presidential election, many people live in fear of President-elect Donald Trump’s deportation threats; Whereas the President-elect has proposed  (https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/immigration) […]

March 8th, 2017

Nursing home bill would help vulnerable seniors

This op-ed originally appeared in the Eureka Times-Standard. After 52 years of marriage, Ellie and John Catudal had no reason to think they could ever be separated. Then Shlomo Rechnitz, the owner of Eureka Rehabilitation and Wellness Center, where the Catudals shared a room, announced he was shuttering the facility and two others nearby. Suddenly, […]