May 9th, 2017

Interview with NUHW Executive Board member and steward Mark Land-Ariizumi, RN

Mark Land-Ariizumi, RN, is the Executive Vice President for NUHW – Kaiser Psych-Social Chapter and steward at San Diego Addiction Medicine. Tell us about the number of Psych-Social RNs and what kind of care they provide to Kaiser patients. NUHW Kaiser Psych-Social Chapter has approximately 110 RNs. This group covers all of Southern California, from […]

May 8th, 2017

Fountain Valley workers overwhelmingly ratify contract

Caregivers represented by the National Union of Healthcare Workers overwhelmingly ratified their first contract with Orange County’s largest for-profit hospital on Friday. The three-year agreement includes 15 percent market rate adjustment raises for long-time employees of Fountain Valley Regional Hospital, which had been paying workers far less than neighboring hospitals. All workers will get raises that significantly exceed […]

May 8th, 2017

Caregivers picket Brius-owned nursing home

More than 30 caregivers and their allies picketed the San Rafael Healthcare and Wellness Center in San Rafael Sunday to alert residents that the biggest nursing home operator in Marin County — and California — is short-changing patients and workers. State and federal regulators have recently cited the facility for stocking expired food including “thickened […]

May 8th, 2017

NUHW participates in Sanctuary Movement panel

Last month Porfirio Quintana, an environmental services aide and NUHW executive board member, penned an article for Labor Notes about NUHW becoming a Sanctuary Union. On Saturday, he and John Avalos, a former San Francisco Supervisor and current NUHW education coordinator, participated in the Freedom Socialist Party’s panel discussion on the Sanctuary Movement. More than two dozen […]

May 4th, 2017

NUHW condemns Obamacare repeal vote

NUHW denounced the U.S. House of Representatives’ May 4 vote to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a plan that strips four million Californians of their health coverage and boost costs for many more. “The Republican bill is a massive tax break for insurance companies, Big Pharma and the rich at the expense of millions […]