April 4th, 2018

NUHW op-ed: Stop Trump from discriminating against patients on ‘moral grounds’

This op-ed originally appeared in the April 3, 2018, edition of the Mercury News. Caregivers must advocate for patients, not discriminate against them. I’ve seen firsthand how people suffer when health care workers discriminate against patients on “moral grounds,” as President Donald Trump is now giving them the green light to do. During the height […]

March 29th, 2018

News of the Week: NorCal St. Joseph hospitals lose local control

Each week we share articles on subjects that are important to NUHW and its members. Here are several must-read stories over the past seven days: In the wake of the West Virginia Teacher’s strike, the New York Times looked into what motivates professional workers to become militant in fighting for their rights. The conclusion is […]

March 28th, 2018

NUHW Pulse – March 2018

Welcome to the March 2018 edition of our union’s e-newsletter. In recent weeks, NUHW members have won important legal victories, walked picket lines demanding better pay and benefits, and endorsed political allies who are running for public office in this critical election year. Check out the stories below, and be sure to follow us on […]

March 22nd, 2018

News of the Week: Administration lays out its plan to fight opioid crisis

Each week we share articles on subjects that are important to NUHW and its members. Here are several must-read stories over the past seven days: Donald Trump was in New Hampshire Monday promising a tough-on-crime approach to combat the opioid epidemic, but experts question whether that and new funding from Congress will help turn the […]

March 14th, 2018

News of the Week: Anti-union laws imperil Democrats at the ballot box

Each week we share articles on subjects that are important to NUHW and its members. Here are several must-read stories over the past seven days: The Napa County Register reported on our legal victory over Queen of the Valley Medical Center. An administrative law judge ruled that the hospital illegally withdrew recognition of the union […]