April 28th, 2018

NUHW Pulse – April 2018

Welcome to the April 2018 edition of our union’s e-newsletter. In recent weeks, NUHW members have forced USC to fire a low-paying subcontractor and bring jobs in-house, elected the union’s new executive board, and raised alarms about two multi-billion dollar firms that will reap windfalls from Donald Trump’s corporate tax cut while paying workers poverty […]

April 24th, 2018

News of the Week: Bernie Sanders to propose job guarantee for all Americans

Each week we share articles on subjects that are important to NUHW and its members. Here are several must-read stories over the past seven days:   Sen. Bernie Sanders will announce a plan for the federal government to guarantee a job paying $15 an hour and health-care benefits to every American worker “who wants or needs one,” embracing […]

April 23rd, 2018

Fountain Valley workers take fight to City Council

Fountain Valley Regional Hospital workers employed by the subcontractor Sodexo butted heads with the town’s mayor during a City Council meeting. After Mayor Michael Vo declined to meet with our Sodexo members, they attended the Tax Day council meeting to raise the issue of Sodexo keeping millions of dollars from the Trump corporate tax cut […]

April 23rd, 2018

Around the Union: April

Caregivers at Brius Healthcare’s Novato Healthcare Center voted 96 percent to ratify a three-year contract that includes improved wages and healthcare benefits, plus more sick leave and vacation days and a performance bonus. Members at Dominican Hospital (photographed above) in Santa Cruz and Janus of Santa Cruz have completed two bargaining sessions each.   Members […]

April 23rd, 2018

News of the Month: SEIU bullying results in dissolution of Kaiser union coalition

Every month, we select several of the top stories affecting our members: Twenty-one local unions, representing about 45,000 Kaiser employees, have left the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions to form their own new coalition, without SEIU-UHW, because they were fed up with the ongoing antics of SEIU-UHW President Dave Regan. In a letter to her […]