November 27th, 2018

Video: Kaiser, don’t deny your patients care

You can’t wait a month and a half for mental healthcare. That’s what Kaiser Permanente Thrive does to its patients — it prevents them from seeing their therapists in their hour of need. What good is the diagnosis, if you can’t receive the treatment? Kaiser is failing to live up to its obligations as a […]

November 25th, 2018

Video: Kaiser mental health patients are speaking out

Have you waited weeks or months for mental health appointments? Have you been pushed into group therapy or forced to pay out-of-pocket for non-Kaiser therapists? Share your story with us at We represent Kaiser mental health clinicians who are working to make Kaiser finally deliver timely, consistent mental health care.

November 20th, 2018

Press release: Kaiser mental health clinicians authorize 5-day statewide strike

Approximately 4,000 caregivers are prepared to strike more than 100 Kaiser clinics and medical facilities across California to settle a contract that improves access to mental health care. Seven years after exposing Kaiser Permanente’s failure to provide timely access to mental health care in violation of state law, Kaiser mental health clinicians are preparing to hold […]

October 30th, 2018

West Anaheim workers win 16 to 49 percent raises

For years, Prime Healthcare underpaid workers at West Anaheim Medical Center, while milking millions of dollars in profit. But that changed last year when more than 100 nurses and medical technicians joined NUHW and started fighting for a fair contract. After staging a picket and a one-day strike and authorizing a five-day strike, those workers […]

October 30th, 2018

Kindred Brea steward nominations

Shop stewards are your co-workers. They will be trained to be the first line of defense in working with you to solve issues, provide union representation during investigatory or disciplinary meetings, keep their co-workers united and informed, and enforce our union contract. Shop stewards are responsible for working as a team to build a strong […]