

NUHW Sues California’s Healthcare Exchange to Protect Patients Last week I joined with the National Union of Healthcare Workers and four other healthcare workers in filing suit in...
To All NUHW Members and Supporters We want to take this opportunity to extend our greetings to you on this Labor Day weekend. This is our...
Radiology Associates of Marin General Vote to Affiliate with NUHW! I’m proud to announce that the approximately 40 members of Radiology Associates of Marin General Hospital have voted unanimously to...
Ready to Vote NUHW at San Rafael Healthcare and Wellness Center At the San Rafael Healthcare and Wellness Center, we need a union we can trust. That’s why over 90% of us signed...
Labor board overturns Seton election, orders new vote Just like they’re doing at Kaiser, SEIU-UHW teamed up with management and cheated in our election at Seton Medical Center—and...
We told CPMC, “We’re ready to fight!” When Sutter/CPMC came to 750 NUHW members across the bargaining table and said they wanted us to agree to cut...
We picketed at Doctors San Pablo Yesterday we left work on our lunch break and picketed at Doctors Medical Center San Pablo. Our info picket sent...
A new day for healthcare workers building NUHW Tomorrow, a super-majority of workers at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, the flagship hospitals serving Oakland and Berkeley in the...
We’re standing up, and we’re leaving SEIU We have great news. Today after SEIU-UHW organizers realized that the vast majority of us have rejected them and are...
San Francisco Chronicle: Leaked financial documents threaten CPMC deal John Cote, SF Chronicle Mayor Ed Lee’s deal with California Pacific Medical Center on a $2.5 billion overhaul of their...
We voted to join NUHW at Hazel Hawkins! It’s official! Today, the Public Employment Relations Board concluded its vote count, and 175 of us at Hazel Hawkins Memorial...
NUHW Pharmacists Win Contract Victory at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital Workers win 4% increases, regain pension after joining union Salinas, California — Three months after joining the National Union of Healthcare...