

Kaiser is failing its mental healthcare patients In his new Huffington Post blog, NUHW President Sal Rosselli shows that Kaiser Permanente continues to violate state and federal...
NUHW members picket Kindred Hospital Westminster More than 140 NUHW members at Kindred Hospital in Westminster (Orange County) picketed the hospital Tuesday, October 21, to protest...
Caregivers at Kindred Hospital Westminster hold informational picket Tuesday, October 21   Caregivers at Kindred Hospital Westminster hold informational picket Tuesday, October 21 NUHW members protest hospital’s unsafe staffing policies, refusal...
The Ebola Crisis: resources for healthcare workers In light of the potential threat posed to our nation’s healthcare workers by the Ebola virus, NUHW has sent information...
Sutter Health reneges on commitments to city and community of San Francisco Sutter Health, the corporation that operates California Pacific Medical Center’s four San Francisco facilities, is reneging on its commitments to...
Kaiser strongly criticized in public forum on mental health care Kaiser Permanente took a beating Wednesday evening at a Sonoma County public forum on mental health care that was attended by an...
NUHW to take part in mental health forum in Santa Rosa NUHW members will participate in a forum on mental health parity Wednesday, September 23, in Santa Rosa. NUHW Research Director...
NUHW joins David Campos in fight to bridge gender pay gap NUHW members joined San Francisco Supervisor David Campos and women’s rights organizations on the steps of San Francisco City Hall...
Report on the National Strategy Conference for the Labor Campaign for Single-Payer Healthcare NUHW members and staffers attended the National Strategy Conference for the Labor Campaign for Single-Payer Healthcare August 22-24 in Oakland....
Kaiser Permanente admits guilt — HMO denied patients access to mental health services KAISER PERMANENTE ADMITS GUILT – HMO DENIED PATIENTS ACCESS TO MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Kaiser drops appeal, agrees to pay near-record $4...
Kaiser Permanente must be held accountable for its mental health care failures: San Francisco Examiner op-ed by Sal Rosselli NUHW President Sal Rosselli penned an op-ed for the September 4, 2014, edition of the San Francisco Examiner on Kaiser...
NUHW and CNA stand united in Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital protest [slideshow_deploy id=’5273′] On Thursday, August 28, NUHW joined with CNA to protest drastic cuts to patient care at SVMH. The...