July 28th, 2010

NUHW nurses show strength at Kaiser LAMC

Hundreds of registered nurses at Kaiser Los Angeles Medical Center marched outside the hospital on Tuesday to share their concerns over patient and RN safety at Kaiser Permanente’s flagship Southern California facility. [Full story]

July 27th, 2010

Nurses picket Kaiser over patient safety

Hundreds march in informational picket to improve care at Kaiser’s biggest So. Cal. hospital

LOS ANGELES—Hundreds of registered nurses at Kaiser Los Angeles Medical Center marched outside the hospital today to share their growing concerns over patient and RN safety at Kaiser Permanente’s flagship Southern California facility.

“We want to make our hospital safer for patients and safer for RNs,” said Leila Valdivia, a registered nurse in ICU for 25 years. “Nurses need a stronger voice in determining safe staffing levels and safe working conditions so that every patient can get the quality of care they deserve.”

July 27th, 2010

Ballots counted: Hospital workers joined NUHW in July 15 election

Victory at Providence Tarzana after ballot count delayed by defeated incumbent union

LOS ANGELES —The National Labor Relations Board has thrown out objections by the now-ousted SEIU, and counted the ballots of nearly 600 caregivers at Providence Tarzana Medical Center who voted on July 15 to join the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW).

The count was 282 votes for NUHW to SEIU’s 69. 38 voted to have no union.

July 26th, 2010

Nearly 600 hospital workers at Providence Tarzana join NUHW

In a landslide election result, nearly 600 workers at Providence Tarzana Medical Center won their election to join NUHW by a vote of 282 (NUHW) to 69 (SEIU). “We’re thrilled to have won this election and put our union back under members’ control,” said Julie Sidrow-Thompson, a monitor tech at the hospital. “For a year […]

July 26th, 2010

BeyondChron: Unite Here Local 2 workers and NUHW in struggles against Kaiser

By Randy Shaw

In the largest internal hotel protest in San Francisco history, nearly 300 UNITE HERE Local 2 workers walked off their jobs and marched through the Hilton lobby on July 13 after Kaiser President Gregory Adams violated the union’s hotel boycott. The hour-long lobby takeover shut down dining facilities including the hotel’s Starbucks, and left Hilton management scurrying to block workers from reaching Adams, who was speaking at a Health Care Leadership Summit. According to Ingrid Carp, a Hilton cook and thirty-year member of Local 2, “workers were outraged when they heard that Adams was violating the Hilton boycott. It provoked the lobby takeover.” While Local 2 battles hotel owners over steep health care premium increases, Kaiser Permanente used the millions it gets from Local 2 and other unions to help generate a 64% rise in net income in the first quarter of 2010 alone. Meanwhile, Kaiser continues to do everything in its power to prevent Local 2’s ally, NUHW, from winning upcoming elections against SEIU-UHW. Kaiser is even allowing a violent thug employed by SEIU to roam their facilities, as it puts the defeat of NUHW ahead of worker safety.