February 21st, 2011

On, Wisconsin!

Ben Ward, formerly an NUHW organizer and forever a member of the NUHW family, stands with union members defending their collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin.

February 21st, 2011

The video that SEIU and Kaiser didn’t want the judge to see

All through last week, an Administrative Law Judge for the National Labor Relations Board conducted a hearing to review evidence of SEIU and Kaiser’s collusion to intimidate workers from voting for NUHW in last year’s election for 43,000 Kaiser employees.  The hearing, which will continue in March, could lead the NLRB to overturn the election […]

February 18th, 2011

Ready to Strike for Our Patients

NUHW nurses at Kaiser Los Angeles Medical Center showed their solidarity Wednesday night in a candlelight vigil for safe staffing. Rank-and-file leaders representing over a thousand RNs have been at the bargaining table with Kaiser LAMC for over a year now, demanding enforceable staffing ratios to protect patients.  On Wednesday, RNs demonstrated their unity and […]

February 17th, 2011

Standing Up for Patient Care

Images from this Tuesday’s informational picket at USC University Hospital.

February 17th, 2011

Labor Board Fails to Protect the Rights of 10,000 Fresno Homecare Workers

PERB refuses to overturn fraudulent 2009 election, gives SEIU a pass for election misconduct; NUHW pledges to appeal FRESNO – The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) notified the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) today of its decision not to overturn the results of a 2009 election for 10,000 Fresno County homecare workers between NUHW and […]