October 9th, 2011

Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital Workers to Engage in 24-hour Strike on October 18

Salinas, California – Yesterday, the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) issued official notice to Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital (SVMH) management of the union’s plan to engage in a 24-hour strike by over 650 SVMH caregivers should management continue to refuse to bargain in good faith toward a fair contract that safeguards quality patient care […]

October 7th, 2011

Federal Government to Investigate Ongoing Illegal Conduct by SEIU and Kaiser

Brothers and Sisters, I’ve got some good news to share with you. After reviewing documentation of hundreds of instances of ongoing illegal election activity on the part of Kaiser Permanente and SEIU, the National Labor Relations Board has informed us that it will begin an official investigation of this illegal conduct before setting a new election […]

October 4th, 2011

Kaiser lowers rate increases for small businesses

San Francisco Chronicle: By Victoria Colliver Kaiser Permanente has retroactively rolled back rate increases that went into effect for small businesses on July 1 by 1.2 percent. The welcomed — albeit small — bit of news for thousands of  California enrollees comes after a bit of wrangling with the state regulators. Kaiser in April had proposed […]

October 4th, 2011

Facing Government Scrutiny, Kaiser Backs Off Rate Increases

Kaiser rolled back $30 million in increases after NUHW and the Courage Campaign requested DMHC examination of rate hike Emeryville, California – Kaiser Permanente recently announced that it will roll back $30 million in premium increases it imposed this summer on hundreds of thousands of Californians, in order to avoid further examination of its rates by the […]

October 3rd, 2011

We are united and determined at USC

Brothers and Sisters: Eleven days ago, along with my co-workers from USC University Hospital, I joined thousands of our striking NUHW brothers and sisters all over California by walking the picket line at Kaiser Los Angeles Medical Center. We were so inspired by what we saw: healthcare workers standing up for ourselves and our patients, […]