October 19th, 2011

Take the quiz: Kaiser is rolling in money!

We all know the story. Kaiser claims they’re not making enough money, and can’t afford to keep our retirement and healthcare benefits intact. Or, Kaiser says they don’t have the resources to agree to our reasonable proposals to keep our hospitals and clinics safely staffed. As frontline workers at Kaiser, we don’t buy it for […]

October 14th, 2011

L.A. Times: Hospital workers on 24-hour strike at USC’s Keck Medical Center

Several hundred hospital workers began a 24-hour strike Wednesday outside Keck Medical Center of USC. X-ray technicians, certified nursing assistants and housekeeping staff are picketing over working conditions, particularly the ability of workers to have a say in how the hospital is staffed, said John Borsos, vice president of the National Union of Healthcare Workers, […]

October 14th, 2011

USC’s Keck Hospital caregivers on 24-hour strike

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hundreds of caregivers at the University of Southern California’s Keck Hospital are striking for 24 hours to protest contract negotiations and what they call a lack of input over staffing and delivery of patient care. Chief Human Resources Officer Matt McElrath says the hospital is open and fully operational and surgeries […]

October 14th, 2011

Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital and the National Union of Healthcare Workers Agree to Assemblymember Luis Alejo and State Mediator’s Request for 30-Day Cooling Off Period

NUHW strike scheduled for October 18th withdrawn Salinas, California – SVMH and NUHW today (October 13, 2011) agreed to a request from the offices of Assemblymember Luis Alejo and the state mediator for a 30-day cooling off period in an effort to put in place a process to reach a contract. The parties also agreed […]

October 13th, 2011

Photos from our strike at USC!