April 26th, 2012

The only thing guaranteed about SEIU’s IT deal is…a weak contract


Once again, SEIU is trying to fool us into believing their giveaways to Kaiser are actually victories for workers.

SEIU’s latest lie is that they reached a tentative agreement for a contract with no takeaways for IT workers. After weeks of hiding it, SEIU finally disclosed the actual tentative agreement. (With helpful annotations in red from NUHW.)

And here’s the truth: the IT agreement is full of concessions and is just another SEIU sell-out to Kaiser. Here are some facts every Kaiser worker should know about SEIU’s IT deal:  

April 20th, 2012

SEIU fakes the fight

We all know that SEIU can’t say NO to Kaiser! SEIU is dancing up a storm, but Kaiser is still demanding the healthcare takeaways that UHW President Dave Regan promised them in the 2010 National Agreement, and they’re still waiting for SEIU to sell out our retirement benefits just like they did for 14,000 of […]

April 18th, 2012

S.F. hospital deal could raise health care costs

Monday, April 16, 2012, SF Chronicle

There is growing concern among some city leaders that a controversial deal Mayor Ed Lee has struck with California Pacific Medical Center to build a 555-bed hospital on Cathedral Hill will undermine San Francisco’s efforts to control health care costs.

While the mayor has lauded the complex, 229-page agreement as a jobs generator that will bring the city’s hospital network into the 21st century, the deal has raised concerns about how much of the $2.5 billion construction project will be passed on to consumers. The project would overhaul the Sutter Health affiliate’s medical facilities across the city and build two hospitals that meet state seismic safety mandates.


Increases could also combine with other factors to make the medical center a dominant provider in San Francisco with the power to increasingly dictate prices, warned Paul Kumar, a policy consultant to the National Union of Healthcare Workers, which represents roughly 750 medical center employees. His group opposes the current deal.

April 13th, 2012

An NUHW Rank-and-File Hero Retires

Marilyn Benson worked as a Licensed Vocational Nurse at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital for 37 years. She was elected Chief Shop Steward, and served as an elected member of the Executive Board with Local 250 and UHW. As a rank-and-file leader, Marilyn experienced the turmoil of two separate trusteeships, and became a founding member of NUHW. […]

April 12th, 2012

We ratified contracts with raises and no concessions

This week, with more than 50% of the members covered by the agreements casting ballots, we voted overwhelmingly to ratify NUHW contracts at Keck Medical Center at USC and Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital.  NUHW is on a roll! In both cases, we won three years of raises with no concessions on health or retirement benefits. […]