January 29th, 2013

Statement By NUHW President Sal Rosselli on Conviction of California SEIU Leader Tyrone Freeman on All Counts of Corruption

EMERYVILLE — Tyrone Freeman, who personifies the Service Employees International Union’s top-down arrogant style of leadership and a pervasive culture of corruption, was convicted today of embezzling more than a million dollars of members’ dues money. This conviction is a vindication of the leaders and members of the National Union of Healthcare Workers who were […]

January 29th, 2013

Statement By NUHW President Sal Rosselli on Conviction of California SEIU Leader Tyrone Freeman on All Counts of Corruption

EMERYVILLE — Tyrone Freeman, who personifies the Service Employees International Union’s top-down arrogant style of leadership and a pervasive culture of corruption, was convicted today of embezzling more than a million dollars of members’ dues money. This conviction is a vindication of the leaders and members of the National Union of Healthcare Workers who were […]

January 21st, 2013

Optical workers REJECT Kaiser’s illegal assistance to SEIU-UHW

Just like in the last election, Kaiser is working hand-in-glove with SEIU-UHW to try to keep us stuck in their favored union. And just like last time, they’re willing to break the law to do it. Recently, Kaiser management presented an illegal “Last, Best & Final” offer to NUHW optical workers. Now SEIU-UHW is lying […]

January 18th, 2013

Labor board overturns Seton election, orders new vote

Just like they’re doing at Kaiser, SEIU-UHW teamed up with management and cheated in our election at Seton Medical Center—and they just got caught. The decision came down yesterday from the federal government. The Labor Board overturned the tainted results of our election at Seton, a part of the Daughters of Charity Healthcare System, and […]

January 18th, 2013

Sacramento Business Journal Interview: John Borsos, Secretary-Treasurer, NUHW

Kathy Robertson.Senior staff writer
Sacramento Business Journal

John Borsos hopes labor history is about to repeat itself.

Secretary-treasurer at the National Union of Healthcare Workers, Borsos wrote his doctoral thesis on how a sharp decline for the labor movement in the 1920s gave way to an upsurge in strike activity and organizing in the 1930s.

Organized labor has taken hits in recent years, as unionized industries face steep competitive challenges and public-sector unions face fights to retain collective bargaining rights amid state budget deficits. Now the economy is on an upswing, and unions are angling to nab a bigger share of the American dream for their members.

Second-in-command at the National Union for Healthcare Workers, Borsos sees 2013 as a pivotal year for the scrappy start-up run by labor heavyweight Sal Rosselli . The decks appear cleared for a re-run of the largest ever private-sector union election in California. NUHW has 10,000 members; success could quadruple that number.