April 5th, 2013

As Ballots are Mailed Out, Let’s Remember What’s at Stake

Today, ballots were mailed out by the National Labor Relations Board in Washington DC to 45,000 Kaiser workers statewide. Here’s a powerful new video to remind us of what’s at stake:  

April 5th, 2013

In Orange County, the majority at Kaiser is voting NUHW-CNA!

The majority of Kaiser workers in Orange County are voting for NUHW-CNA. Check out this video we created to give you a glimpse at what’s happening in Orange County: Watch, share, and post it on Facebook so all your co-workers can see what we’re accomplishing at Kaiser with NUHW-CNA!  

April 5th, 2013

The Filipino-American Health Workers Association endorses NUHW-CNA!

 Click here to download their endorsement  

April 2nd, 2013

UFW co-founder, Dolores Huerta supports NUHW-CNA.

This week Dolores Huerta, who co-founded UFW with the legendary Cesar Chavez, made site visits in support of NUHW-CNA. This is what her visit meant to one Kaiser employee: My name Christina Fletes. I work at Baldwin Pk Kaiser. When I learned Dolores Huerta was here, I drove home to get a piece of wood, […]

March 26th, 2013

Statement by the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) on U.S Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Decision in SEIU vs. NUHW

Today, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals dealt a major setback to union democracy and helped advance SEIU’s autocratic, top-down style of corporate unionism. The court’s decision marks another step toward the inexorable decline of the labor movement and represents a huge step backwards for American workers. Rather than upholding the rights of union members to […]