July 30th, 2013

BREAKING: Kaiser Permanente Ineligible to Participate in Obamacare Insurance Exchange in California Next Year

Kaiser disqualified from exchange due to violations of state statutory requirements for mental health patients and other plan participants What: Press conference on Kaiser’s failure to qualify for participation in insurance exchange Where: Kaiser Oakland, 3801 Howe St, Oakland, Emergency Services entrance When: Wednesday, July 31 at 12 noon Visuals: Healthcare workers at podium in front of hospital […]

July 26th, 2013

We won a great contract with no takeaways at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital

I am happy to announce that the new NUHW contract at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital has been ratified by both NUHW and the hospital’s Board of Directors.   Our two year contract extension includes yearly wage increases and protections for our jobs and our rights as union members if our hospital is ever sold. Most […]

July 10th, 2013

NUHW members at Children’s Hospital Oakland hit the picket line!

Last week, NUHW members at Children’s Hospital Oakland conducted an informational picket for a fair contract that preserves long-held employee rights and health insurance protections. Children’s workers were also on the picket line to protest unsafe staffing at the hospital. NUHW members were joined in solidarity by registered nurses in the California Nurses Association (CNA) […]

July 8th, 2013

NUHW Mental Health Clinicians Speak Out for Kaiser Patients

On June 26, NUHW psychologists, therapists and social workers in both Northern and Southern California held joint press conferences to discuss Kaiser’s habitual short staffing of its mental health services. Recently, acting on the findings of a report compiled by NUHW mental health clinicians, the California state government fined Kaiser $4 million for violating laws […]

July 2nd, 2013

NUHW welcomes the new mayor of L.A., our friend Eric Garcetti

This past Sunday, I attended the inaugural ceremony of Los Angeles’ new mayor, Eric Garcetti. The experience reaffirmed my optimism over the city’s future under the leadership of a smart and dynamic politician who is a close friend of our union. Eric Garcetti has been a supporter of NUHW for years. During our strikes at Kaiser […]