March 5th, 2014

Santa Rosa Memorial: Union News and Views — March 2014

More Union members get jobs with benefits! A  group of Care Partners and Union Shop Stewards  joined together recently to win reclassification of Relief workers who did not have any benefits. Our campaign resulted in an agreement with Management to reclassify 15 former Relief workers, who now will have benefits for the first time! Management  […]

March 4th, 2014

Kaiser releases Performance Sharing Program results

Members of NUHW will be receiving the PSP bonus this year in March, just like the SEIU/Coalition members. There’s a big difference, however: Unlike SEIU members, NUHW members don’t have to pay outrageously high dues to SEIU and 9 cents or more per hour for a Partnership Tax to Kaiser. Although SEIU is quick to […]

February 27th, 2014

Top Kaiser Permanente official resigns amid conflict-of-interest scandal

In the wake of two conflict-of-interest scandals and NUHW’s call for her resignation, Dr. Christine Cassel stepped down from Kaiser Permanente’s board of directors Wednesday. A February 12 investigative report by ProPublica, based on research and documents first uncovered by NUHW, revealed that Cassel is encumbered by significant conflicts of interest. Cassel is the CEO of […]

February 27th, 2014

Top Kaiser Permanente official resigns amid conflict-of-interest scandal

NUHW called for Christine Cassel’s resignation to curb influence of HMO money in National Quality Forum recommendations Dr. Christine Cassel resigned her seat on Kaiser Permanente’s Board of Directors Wednesday. Cassel stepped down from California’s largest HMO in the wake of a February 12 ProPublica story, based on documents provided by NUHW, that revealed that […]

February 21st, 2014

CPMC Bargaining Update — February 13, 2014

Union Presents Economic Proposals to Management On February 13, 2014, we continued contract negotiations with management. Our bargaining team presented our economic package of proposals that included wage increases, improvements in shift differential and improvements in the per diem (in lieu of benefits) differential. This is in addition to the economic improvements initially presented. In […]