August 25th, 2014

“Breakthrough” labor deal causes stir

Healthcare Finance News published an August 22 story on the deal between SEIU and the California Hospital Association. The story, by reporter Tammy Worth, quotes NUHW President Sal Rosselli and other critics of the deal. An agreement reached this past spring between the California Hospital Association and the SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West has been deemed […]

August 13th, 2014

East Bay Express exposes Kaiser’s illegal delays in mental health care

Kaiser Permanente’s hometown paper, Oakland’s East Bay Express, exposes Kaiser’s “Deadly Delays” — illegal and unethical delays of mental health care services that impact thousands of Kaiser patients, often with tragic results, even suicides. “Kaiser Permanente has been held up as a national model for healthcare, but critics contend that it routinely fails to adequately serve […]

August 11th, 2014

NUHW turns out to support Dan Siegel for mayor of Oakland

NUHW staffers hit the streets Saturday, August 2, to campaign for Dan Siegel for mayor of Oakland. The NUHW staffers met up with about twenty other supporters at Snow Park near Lake Merritt, then fanned out to neighborhoods across the city, knocking on doors, talking with Oakland voters, and handing out literature. NUHW staffers also […]

August 11th, 2014

Kaiser Permanente’s profits continue to soar


August 8th, 2014

News and views from NUHW: August 2014

NUHW members keep the fight alive for Contra Costa County’s most vulnerable residents NUHW members joined with the California Nurses Association in a July 30 rally and march to save Doctors Medical Center, the safety net hospital in San Pablo that serves the poor and indigent population of western Contra Costa County. NUHW-CNA members are […]