October 17th, 2014

The Ebola Crisis: resources for healthcare workers

In light of the potential threat posed to our nation’s healthcare workers by the Ebola virus, NUHW has sent information requests to employers, demanding to know the policies and procedures they have in place, and the safety precautions and training they are providing for their employees. The situation calls for a comprehensive response; all healthcare […]

October 3rd, 2014

Sutter Health reneges on commitments to city and community of San Francisco

Sutter Health, the corporation that operates California Pacific Medical Center’s four San Francisco facilities, is reneging on its commitments to the people of San Francisco. Click here to read NUHW President Sal Rosselli’s San Francisco Examiner op-ed about the drastic cuts Sutter Health is proposing. Despite its high profit margins, Sutter plans to eliminate 24 […]

September 25th, 2014

Kaiser strongly criticized in public forum on mental health care

Kaiser Permanente took a beating Wednesday evening at a Sonoma County public forum on mental health care that was attended by an overflow crowd of mental health consumers, family members, and the public.  According to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, “a majority of the at least 40 speakers who addressed a panel, which included state and federal health […]

September 23rd, 2014

NUHW to take part in mental health forum in Santa Rosa

NUHW members will participate in a forum on mental health parity Wednesday, September 23, in Santa Rosa. NUHW Research Director Fred Seavey will speak on behalf of NUHW and members will distribute copies of “Care Delayed, Care Denied,” the union’s report on Kaiser Permanente’s violations of state laws governing mental health care. The forum, hosted […]

September 23rd, 2014

NUHW joins David Campos in fight to bridge gender pay gap

NUHW members joined San Francisco Supervisor David Campos and women’s rights organizations on the steps of San Francisco City Hall Monday in support of a new measure to help bridge the gender pay gap. Campos, whom NUHW has endorsed for a seat in the state Assembly, introduced the measure today. “Our legislation is landmark. First […]