June 28th, 2018

NUHW Pulse – June 2018

Welcome to the June 2018 edition of our union’s e-newsletter. In recent weeks, NUHW members have taken action in Santa Cruz, Sonoma, and Humboldt counties, picketed two Southern California hospitals, won a great contract in Oakland and spoke out against the government’s family separation policy. Check out the stories below, and be sure to follow […]

June 26th, 2018

News of the month: NUHW members fighting layoffs in Santa Rosa

The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reported on Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital announcing layoffs, which would include 35 NUHW members, even though the hospital raked in a $55 million last year. The hospital is offering to forgo laying off 28 nursing assistants, but only if all 150 nursing assistants agree to go from a 40 hour/week […]

June 26th, 2018

News of the Week: Judge orders migrant families reunited

Each week we share articles on subjects that are important to NUHW and its members. Here are several must-read stories over the past seven days: A federal judge late Tuesday ordered the Trump Administration to reunite all families separated at the border within 30 days. The children taken from their parents now live and wait […]

June 18th, 2018

Eureka housekeepers call on hospitals to dump cleaning solution that is making them sick

Sick of being forced to work with cleaning chemicals that make them ill, housekeepers at St. Joseph Eureka and Redwood Memorial hospitals took to the streets Monday to demand their hospitals switch cleaning solutions. The June 18 protest outside St. Joseph Eureka was covered by NBC3 and the Lost Coast Outpost. For the last two […]

June 11th, 2018

NUHW members picket Kindred San Diego Hospital

Caregivers picketed Kindred San Diego Monday to inform the public about chronic turnover and understaffing at the city’s second largest long-term acute care hospital. Chanting “What’s it about, patient care!” the caregivers demanded a new contract with raises to stem the exodus of caregivers. Although Kentucky-based Kindred posted a $67.6 million profit in 2016, its […]