December 28th, 2020

Santa Rosa Memorial workers win four-year contract

NUHW members at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital voted 98 percent this month to ratify a new contract, ending a campaign that culminated in July with the nation’s largest pandemic era strike. When the approximately 740 nursing assistants, respiratory therapists, medical technicians, housekeepers, administrative clerks, and food service workers, opted to hold a five-day strike, the […]

December 28th, 2020

Amid vaccinations, NUHW members sound the alarm about mounting COVID-19 crisis

California is in the midst of a mounting COVID-19 crisis at the same time that NUHW members and healthcare workers across the country are finally getting vaccinated. With ICU beds full throughout much of Southern California and the Central Valley, NUHW has joined with other unions, including United Teachers Los Angeles and UNITE-HERE Local 11, […]

December 7th, 2020

Will hospitals ignore California’s new COVID testing requirement?

California’s first-in-the-nation weekly COVID testing requirement for hospital workers starts this week Despite a staffing crisis and surging caseloads will hospitals ignore it? Amid a surge that threatens to overwhelm California’s chronically understaffed hospitals, state health officials are launching the nation’s most rigorous COVID-19 testing regimen for hospital workers. Beginning today, Dec. 7, hospitals are […]

November 30th, 2020

A big win on COVID testing

After months of rallies, protests and high-level communications with state leaders, NUHW members have won our fight for comprehensive COVID-19 testing requirements covering acute care hospitals. Last Wednesday, the California Department of Public Health issued the nation’s first regulations mandating weekly COVID-19 testing for acute care hospital workers. Under these rules, hospitals will be required […]

November 23rd, 2020

Workers call for stronger COVID protections, end to subcontracting at press conference

Workers from Los Alamitos Medical Center and Lakewood Medical Center joined their colleagues at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital to launch a unity campaign pushing for stronger Covid safeguards at all three hospitals as well as fair treatment for dietary and EVS workers whose jobs are subcontracted to a company that pays poverty wages. The workers […]