January 29th, 2009

La Opinión: Ruptura total de UHW y SEIU

La dirigencia del Sindicato de Trabajadores Sanitarios (UHW West-SEIU), que fue disuelta un día antes por la dirección nacional del Sindicato de la Industria de Servicios (SEIU), a la que se encuentra afiliada, contraatacó ayer renunciando a esta organización y dando a conocer su intención de formar una nueva organización.

January 28th, 2009

San Francisco Bay Guardian: Ousted UHW leaders form the NUHW

There’s a new union in town, National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW), which was formed today by the United Healthcare Workers leadership team that was yesterday ousted by UHW’s parent union, Service Employees International Union. NUHW might as well stand for the New UHW.

January 28th, 2009

Independent healthcare union launched at Oakland press conference

January 28th, 2009

Healthcare workers in California announce formation of new national union

Oakland, Calif.—Responding to demands from thousands of rank-and-file healthcare workers across California, the democratically elected executive board of SEIU United Healthcare Workers West resigned membership from SEIU and today announced the formation of a new organization, the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW).