February 7th, 2009

San Francisco Bay Guardian: SEIU preaches unity while trying to divide and conquer CNA

Service Employees International Union is caught in the position of decrying efforts by breakaway leaders of the new National Union of Healthcare Workers to steal away SEIU members during a critical moment for the labor movement, while at the same time SEIU is meddling in the internal affairs of another union, California Nurses Association.

February 5th, 2009

More than 25,000 workers petition to join NUHW and oust SEIU from 101 California hospitals and nursing homes

“We want to stay united in NUHW with the leaders we elected. They helped us build our union and win the best healthcare contract standards in the country.”

—Janet Shepherd, respiratory therapist at CHW Northridge

February 5th, 2009

More than 15,000 more workers petition to join NUHW and oust SEIU from Catholic Healthcare West and other hospitals

Elections will be held for 25,000 caregivers to join democratic healthcare union

LOS ANGELES—The National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) filed petitions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week for elections to represent more than 15,000 healthcare workers in hospitals across California—including Catholic Healthcare West, the state’s largest hospital corporation. Along with petitions filed Monday, 25,000 caregivers at 101 facilities will now be able to vote to quit SEIU and join with their co-workers in NUHW.

February 4th, 2009

San Francisco Bay Guardian: Fallout from the union clash

Fallout from the power struggle between Service Employees International Union and its Oakland-based local, United Healthcare Workers, has been felt particularly strongly in the Bay Area since SEIU took over UHW and ousted its leaders Jan. 27 (see “Union showdown,” 1/28/09).

February 3rd, 2009

San Francisco Bay Guardian: SEIU vs. UHW, a ringside seat

Friday afternoon at the United Healthcare Workers headquarters, eight Oakland Police officers mediated a dispute between UHW members resisting the takeover by Service Employees International Union and SEIU representatives who showed up to take custody of the building. Both sides sought to convince the police to let their respective groups stay in the building.