March 4th, 2009

Statement on trustees’ desperate attempt to distract attention from thousands fleeing SEIU

Oakland, Calif.—The following statement was issued today by the National Union of Healthcare Workers:

“In less than five weeks, 91,000 healthcare workers have petitioned to quit SEIU and join NUHW, repudiating the corrupt and undemocratic practices of SEIU’s appointed officials like Dave Regan and Eliseo Medina.

“It’s no surprise that SEIU has resorted to extreme measures—including threats, lies, and now baseless lawsuits—to lock healthcare workers into an organization where they have no voice.

March 3rd, 2009

SEIU Local 1021 members at Alameda County Medical Center petition to join NUHW

More than 300 caregivers at Alameda County Medical Center—many of whom were forced out of SEIU UHW-W in 2006 by an SEIU merger—have joined 90,000 California healthcare workers in petitioning to join the National Union of Healthcare Workers

Alameda, Calif.—More than 300 caregivers at Alameda County Medical Center (ACMC) are the latest to petition the state labor board for an election to join the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW). The petition was signed by a majority of the two bargaining units, including clinical psychologists, dieticians, health educators, pharmacists, clinical lab scientists, as well as housekeeping and dietary workers.

March 3rd, 2009

NUHW statement on the death of former Assemblywoman Nell Soto of Pomona

Oakland, Calif.—The National Union of Healthcare Workers issued the following statement today from Founding Executive Board Member Sal Rosselli:

“The dedicated healthcare workers of the San Gabriel Valley and Inland Empire lost a spirited ally last week in the passing of former Assemblywoman Nell Soto. Healthcare workers dedicate their lives to protecting the health of their communities, and through her tireless work as a public servant to raise water and air quality standards, former Assemblywoman Nell Soto was our valued partner. Above all, Nell was a warrior for working families who always put the interests of everyday people first. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Nell’s family and friends.”

March 3rd, 2009

Fresno homecare workers petition for 10,000 to join NUHW

Connie Lara, Fresno homecare worker“We need a union run by healthcare workers in California, not union officials in Washington, D.C.. When we had democracy in our union, homecare workers in Fresno won a living wage for the first time. In NUHW, we have a real voice to protect what we won and keep fighting budget cuts that hurt consumers and workers.”

March 2nd, 2009

Fresno homecare workers petition to join NUHW

10,000 in-home healthcare workers to join the 80,000 Kaiser, hospital and nursing home workers uniting in National Union of Healthcare Workers

Fresno, Calif.—In-home healthcare workers filed a petition today with the Fresno County In-Home Support Services Authority, calling for an election to join the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW). Caregivers say they’re getting rid of their old union, SEIU, so they can stay united with other healthcare workers at hospitals and clinics across California.