March 31st, 2009

Shop stewards fight back

Despite SEIU’s desperate attempts to remove elected workplace leaders and destroy their union, stewards pledge to support their co-workers and unite for a strong, democratic voice in NUHW.

March 28th, 2009

Behind the News: Steve Early on labor’s prospects and SEIU’s rampage

Segment begins at 39:15 — Click to listen On Behind the News, Doug Henwood interviews labor journalist Steve Early about the labor movement’s hopes and SEIU’s destructive rampage against other unions. Source: KPFK

March 25th, 2009

Juan Gonzalez: SEIU president goes to the extreme

Andy Stern, president of the powerful Service Employees International Union, seems hellbent on using classic corporate raider tactics to bring a huge portion of the U.S. labor movement under his absolute control.

March 25th, 2009

Video: Worker leaders share their vision

Healthcare union stewards across California gathered in Los Angeles and San Francisco on February 28 to celebrate their victories and plan the next steps of building their new union, NUHW.

March 20th, 2009

Seniors, people with disabilities, and their caregivers protest at Capitol to save homecare funding from budget “trigger”

Cuts would cost California an estimated $460 million in economic activity

CALIFORNIA—Hundreds of caregivers and healthcare consumers rallied in Sacramento, San Francisco, and Fresno today, calling on Gov. Schwarzenegger to fund vital healthcare services instead of running out the clock on the most vulnerable Californians. The protest was organized by homecare workers united in the National Union of Healthcare Workers.