June 2nd, 2010

Kaiser IBHS workers move to join NUHW!

A majority of 1,300 mental health professionals at Kaiser have signed a petition to change their union from SEIU to the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW), requesting the first Northern California election in a growing effort by Kaiser’s 47,000 SEIU members statewide to take back their union.

June 2nd, 2010

Majority of 1,300 Kaiser mental health professionals petition to join new union

After Southern Calif. professionals joined NUHW in three landslide elections, Northern Calif. pros begin the switch from SEIU

Oakland, Calif.—A majority of 1,300 mental health professionals at Kaiser have signed a petition to change their union from SEIU to the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW), requesting the first Northern California election in a growing effort by Kaiser’s 47,000 SEIU members statewide to take back their union.

“We’re thrilled for the chance to join the rest of Kaiser’s mental health professionals in a member-run union that will help us improve care for our patients and clients,” said Emily Ryan, a psychiatric social worker at Kaiser Sacramento. “And we’re proud to be the first of the 47,000 Kaiser workers who will petition this month to join NUHW.”

June 2nd, 2010

Beyond Chron: NUHW Defeats SEIU, Management 393-122 in USC Hospital Election

By Randy Shaw

NUHW has overcome a concerted “no-union” campaign from SEIU and hospital management to win bargaining rights for over 600 USC University Hospital workers. NUHW’s 393-122 victory over “no union” followed SEIU’s removal of its name from the ballot last week, claiming that it could not overcome management intimidation of its own members. SEIU had previously spent months in an aggressive anti-NUHW campaign that many believed was designed to bolster management’s own anti-union efforts. NUHW’s victory is sweet vindication for NUHW worker leaders and organizers arrested and disciplined by management in recent weeks, and should have workers asking whether they want a union that runs from management intimidation or stays and fights.

May 29th, 2010

Video: More than 600 caregivers join NUHW at USC University Hospital

More than 600 USC University Hospital workers joined the National Union of Healthcare Workers in a two-day election that capped a months-long battle between caregivers, hospital management, and the SEIU. Beyond Chron, May 28, 2010: NUHW’s 393-122 victory over “no union” followed SEIU’s removal of its name from the ballot last week, claiming that it […]

May 28th, 2010

Healthcare workers win new union at USC University Hospital

Caregivers join NUHW despite union-busting effort by hospital administrators and officials of their own former union, SEIU

LOS ANGELES—More than 600 USC University Hospital workers have joined the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) in a two-day election that capped a months-long battle between caregivers, hospital management, and the SEIU.

“We’ve taken back our hospital,” said Noemi Aguirre, a respiratory therapist at the hospital. “It’s such an incredible feeling to know we have a voice again, that we have the strength we need to stand up for our patients and for ourselves.”