September 20th, 2010

Need a replacement ballot?

If you’re a Kaiser worker eligible to vote in this election, but you haven’t received your ballot or it’s been lost or spoiled, don’t worry—you can request a replacement ballot. Click the link below for instructions.

September 19th, 2010

KPFA Radio: Labor journalist Steve Early discusses the Kaiser election

Labor journalist Steve Early discusses the historic Kaiser election with KPFA Radio’s Sunday Show. This 30-minute excerpt is from an hour-long segment about the state of the labor movement.

September 14th, 2010

Democracy Now covers our Kaiser election

This morning, national TV and radio news program Democracy Now covered our election at Kaiser. A respected labor journalist untwisted the lies in SEIU’s campaign, and explained why so many of us are voting NUHW to give workers control of bargaining again. Please watch the show and share this link with every Kaiser co-worker you […]

September 13th, 2010

Let’s Vote! 6,000 Kaiser co-workers participate in statewide conversation

Click the play button above to listen to our fourth and final statewide phone conversation. The night before our ballots were mailed, more than 6,000 Kaiser co-workers joined to listen to reports from workers across the state who are ready to get out the vote for NUHW. We were also joined by United Farm Workers […]

September 9th, 2010

Huffington Post: NUHW v SEIU, Kaiser workers prepare to make history

By Shirley Nelson

As Kaiser workers forming NUHW, we’ve built a website called, to answer all of those questions and more with documentation and clearly-explained facts. I encourage any Kaiser worker who wants to make an informed decision in our election to visit today.

I tell my co-workers that I have a simple explanation why Kaiser workers should vote to join NUHW: the wages and health benefits we have earned over decades will only be safe from SEIU’s side deals when we get our union back under our control.