September 7th, 2011

Opinion: SEIU case shows why integrity must be a mainstay of the labor movement

The San Jose Mercury News: By Paul Rockwell There is no greater blow to the moral authority of the labor movement than a fraudulent union election, especially when the union is large and wealthy. The right to organize and bargain collectively and the right of employees to choose the union that represents them are intertwined. […]

September 1st, 2011

We rejected SEIU’s backroom deals, now we’re voting NUHW

Dear Union Brothers and Sisters, We have important news to share with California healthcare workers who have been following our fight to leave SEIU and join NUHW in Michigan. Friday at Luther Manor—a skilled nursing facility in Saginaw, Michigan—we rejected SEIU’s backroom deal with our employer by a vote of 36-26. Then last night in […]

August 30th, 2011

Workers at Luther Manor reject SEIU’s secret deal

Workers at Luther Manor, a Saginaw, Michigan skilled nursing facility who petitioned to join NUHW in March, rejected SEIU’s backroom contract deal with their employer by a vote of 36-26. SEIU scheduled last Friday’s contract ratification vote, which was only announced two days earlier, for a narrow 2-hour window on Friday afternoon in an attempt […]

August 29th, 2011

My Word: Oakland labor board should insure fair Kaiser rerun election

San Jose Mercury News: By Paul Rockwell It is a rare event when the National Labor Relations Board overturns a representational election in the labor movement. The burden of proof for any challenge is high. Minor technicalities, isolated disruptions, dirty tactics that do not materially affect the outcome hardly require an election to be set […]

August 25th, 2011

Why 17,000 RNs are joining NUHW’s statewide strike against Kaiser

Brothers and Sisters in NUHW: Next month, 17,000 Northern California RNs who are members of the California Nurses Association will join 4,000 NUHW members in a statewide strike against Kaiser. We’re standing united to stop Kaiser’s cuts. Kaiser has put takeaways on the bargaining table that would:  Eliminate Kaiser workers’ defined benefit pension, reducing workers’ […]