July 7th, 2014

Caregivers, patients, community call on county to save Doctors Medical Center

Caregivers, patients, and community members rallied in front of Doctors Medical Center in San Pablo July 1 to call on the county to preserved the facility as a full-service hospital. West Contra Costa County residents need more than a stand-alone emergency room.

June 20th, 2014

Sonoma County Supervisor Shirlee Zane’s letter to Kaiser officials

Sonoma County Supervisor Shirlee Zane sent the following letter to Kaiser Permanente officials following the publication of three stories about Kaiser’s failures in mental health care in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.  Dr. Mordecai, Mr. Nelson and Dr. Turner: I cannot begin to tell you how upsetting and offensive it was to read your remarks […]

June 15th, 2014

Workers lose in corrupt SEIU-CHA deal

In May, SEIU and the California Hospital Association (CHA) announced a three-year “partnership” — a sweetheart deal in which the union has sold out its members to curry favor with employers. In exchange for scuttling two popular California ballot initiatives that would have capped hospital pricing and executive compensation, CHA will allow SEIU to organize […]

June 15th, 2014

SEIU gets in bed with the California Hospital Association

In May, SEIU-UHW and the California Hospital Association (CHA) announced a three-and-a-half-year “partnership,” the purpose of which, they claimed, was to work together to lobby for increased Medi-Cal reimbursements to hospitals. In a conference call with journalists, SEIU-UHW President Dave Regan and CHA President Duane Dauner trumpeted their agreement as “visionary,” but they wouldn’t allow […]

June 14th, 2014

NUHW members fight for Contra Costa County’s most vulnerable residents

NUHW represents more than three hundred healthcare workers at Doctors Medical Center, a public district hospital in San Pablo that serves the westernmost region of Contra Costa County in the Bay Area. It’s a stand-alone, full-service public district hospital that provides acute care and emergency services to a largely poor, indigent population. DMC has struggled […]